
Scholarships are open to women scholars who are Australian citizens and who:

(a) are graduates of a recognized tertiary institution and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies (including course work and research Masters, M Phil, and PhDs) at a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland, Australia,


(b) have graduated from a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland, and are intending to take up or continue postgraduate studies (including course work and research Masters, M Phil, and PhDs) at a recognized tertiary institution in Queensland or elsewhere in the world.

General Information

FFI may offer two types of Scholarships each year;  one extended Scholarship tenable for up to three years and several one year Scholarships.  These are named after women who have made outstanding contributions as scholars and leaders in tertiary institutions in Queensland. Applicants may apply for both types of Scholarship in the one year on the  application form.

The Freda Bage Fellowship (a three year Scholarship)


The following terms apply to the Freda Page Fellowship:

  • only available for PhD studies;
  • studies must commence by the end of March of the year following receipt of the award.  Funding may be withdrawn if this time limit is exceeded;
  • maximum period of the Fellowship is three years;
  • study is expected to be full-time;
  • the annual stipend is paid in two parts, usually in January and June;
  • the first payment is made following finalisation of Fellowship documentation and FFI’s satisfaction that the candidate is enrolled and the program of study has been accepted by the nominated institution;
  • subsequent stipend payments are subject to satisfactory progress of the research work, as indicated by receipt of progress reports from the Fellowship recipient signed by the supervisor of the research work at the end of years one and two;
  • a final typewritten report is required at completion of the Fellowship, and should include information about any publications arising from the funded study.

The Commemorative Fellowships (one year Scholarships)

These fellowships are named after the following women: Molly Budtz-Olsen, Dorothy Davidson, Freda Freeman, Audrey Harrison, Audrey Jorss, Mary McSweeney, Margaret Mittelheuser, Betty Patterson, Rosemary Venton, Barbara Williams and Del Doherty.
The following terms apply to the Commemorative Fellowships:
  • they may be used for formal, full-time postgraduate study consistent with the aims of FFI. In exceptional circumstances, the committee may consider awarding a half Fellowship to a part-time applicant in the last year of her doctoral studies;
  • studies must commence by March of the year following receipt of the award. Funding may be withdrawn if this time limit is exceeded;
  • maximum period of the Fellowship is one year;
  • successful applicants may reapply for a Fellowship in subsequent years;
  • the stipend is paid in two parts, usually in January and June. The first half is paid following finalisation of Fellowship documentation and FFI’s satisfaction that the candidate is enrolled and the program of study has been accepted by the nominated institution, and the second following receipt of a satisfactory progress report after approximately six months of tenure;
  • a final typewritten report is required at completion of the Fellowship, and should include information about any publications arising from the funded study.


The annual value of the Fellowships is linked to the value of the Australian Government Department of Education and Training Research Training Programme (RTP) plus 10%. As an indication, the RTP stipend rate for 2023 is $29,863 for a full-time student.

Selection Criteria

FFI awards its Fellowships using a holistic review and selection process. Applications from all academic disciplines are welcome. FFI’s decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into in respect of any aspect of the applications and awards process. Applicants who miss out in any given year are welcome to reapply in subsequent years; however, as a matter of policy, FFI does not offer opinions or advice on the quality or future prospects of unsuccessful applications.

The Process

  1. You submit your application so that FFI receives it by the closing date.
  2. All received applications are acknowledged by email.
  3. Applicants who pass the competitive review process are asked to participate in an interview. This is either face to face at The University of Queensland, or by telephone or internet for regional and overseas applicants. Interviews usually take place in August/September and take approximately 20 minutes. They provide an opportunity for applicants to concisely articulate the key aspects and benefits of their research proposals.
  4. FFI endeavours to make offers to successful candidates no later than November and to advise unsuccessful candidates at the earliest practicable time.


It is the responsibility of each applicant to read these Guidelines and the Application Procedures completely and carefully. Each application must be written in English using the specified forms, must be received by the due date, and must be complete in every respect (refer to Items 1-6 on the Application Procedures page). An incomplete or late application will jeopardize your prospects of being awarded a Fellowship, regardless of the quality of your submission. Applications must be received by email. Faxed applications will not be accepted.

Please view the Checklist for Applicants before submitting your application.

Application Procedure

Applications for the 2024 round of Fellowships to study in 2025 have now closed.  Applications must be signed and dated, and typed or neatly handwritten and collated in the order shown below.  Enquiries through the website and all application documentation must be in English.

Documentation is required of each of the following


1. Fellowship Application Form

Once applications open in late March each year,  you are able to download the Application form below and complete in English. Under no circumstances will forms be faxed to applicants or enquirers.


2. Academic Records

Certified copies of transcripts of your academic records.


3. Curriculum Vitae

A brief Curriculum Vitae, which must not exceed 6 pages, but may include comments on your achievements, interests and aspirations considered relevant to your application.


4. Statement of Purpose

A clear outline of the study program/course for which support is required. This must not exceed one page in length and must include:

  • objectives of the study;
  • a brief outline of the project if appropriate;
  • relevance of the study program/course to your career development;
  • how the funding will be used.

5. Written Confirmation of Acceptance
A copy of written confirmation from the University or Institution that offers provisional or final acceptance of your study program. If confirmation is unavailable, please supply explanation and/or details of progress of any application to date. An award cannot be given until arrangements for affiliation with an institution have been concluded and documented.


6. Referees’ Reports and Contact Details
A written report from two (2) referees including their name and contact details who we can contact as necessary.
Applicants must contact referees and request each of them to send a completed Referee Report Form (see below) directly to the address supplied on the form, to arrive no later than June 30.  It is suggested that you send the form to referees.
Applications are not considered complete until the Referees’ Reports are received.

All applications are to be emailed to the address below and will be acknowledged by email. Faxed applications will not be accepted.

Results will be announced within six months of the closing date, and all applicants will be advised.

The Fellowship Fund Committee reserves the right not to award fellowships in any one year. Such decisions are final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Address for Applications

Email to: fellowships@fellowshipsfund.com.au

Subject: (Insert your name), FFI Fellowship

Closing date for receipt of applications: June 30

Checklist for Applicants

Applications for the next round of Fellowships must be received by 30 June.  They are to be signed and dated, and typed or neatly handwritten and collated in the order shown below.  Enquiries through the website and all application documentation must be in English.

To help us, and to help your application

    1. Be on time: Make sure we receive your application by the due date.
    2. Be complete: Ensure your application contains all Items 1 – 6 as listed above. An incomplete application will jeopardize your prospects.
    3. Use the correct forms: Use the forms available on this page.
    4. Email your application: We do not accept facsimiled applications.
    5. Give your referees time: Don’t leave your referees’ reports to the last minute.
    6. Long term contact details: We need to stay in contact with you. If you are likely to change address, institution, or country during your application, then on your Application Form provide us with a personal email and postal details where we will find you even if you are moving around.

We will contact you: Please be patient during the review process. While you will be keen to know the status of your application, your ringing or emailing won’t speed up the process. It is best to wait until we contact you.

Change in circumstances: If for any reason your circumstances change (for example, you change your course of study, receive another scholarship, or enter full-time employment) you must contact the Registrar in writing immediately in order that your eligibility for a fellowship may be re-assessed. Note: Receipt of another scholarship or full-time employment disqualifies one from receiving an FFI fellowship.