Carolyn Deere
(see 1998-99)
Dr Lexie R Friend
PhD (University of Queensland)
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Dept Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The University of Queensland, working on a role for the nuclear hnRNP proteins in splicing.
Email: L.friend@uq.edu.au
Dr Inese Ivans
PhD (Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin)
Assistant Professor, University of Utah
Claire Jordan
Music composition for films
Angela Lawton
Manager, Australian Zebrafish Phenomics Facility, IMB, University of Queensland
Part time PhD candidate at the Centre for Marine Studies
Email: A.lawton@uq.edu.au
Nina Treadwell
Professor Tania Voon
PhD (Cambridge), LLM (Harvard), Grad Dip Intl L (Melb), LLB (Hons) (Melb), BSc (Melb)
Associate Professor, Melbourne Law School
Former Legal Officer, Appellate Body Secretariat, World Trade Organization
Author of the book: Cultural Products and the World Trade Organization, was published by Cambridge University Press (UK) in June 2007: see tinyurl.com/39jdjf and tinyurl.com/2l8g3s
Web: Melbourne University Link
Email: tania.voon@unimelb.edu.au
Dr Giselle Walker
Ph.D. (Evolutionary biology, The Natural History Museum, London & Botanical Institute, University of Copenhagen), BSc (Hons) (Sydney).
Schlumberger Research Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, and
John Stanley Gardiner Fellow of the University Museum of Zoology, Cambridge
Working on taxonomy and systematics of protozoa and genetic aspects of the evolutions of multicellularity and cell differentiation
Web: zoo.cam.ac.uk/zoostaff/mml/index.htm
and dar.cam.ac.uk/fellows/index.shtml
Email: gw265@cam.ac.uk
Esther Charlesworth
Priscilla Collins
Master of Arts in Film Producing
Chief Executive Officer, Central Australian Aboriginal Media Association
Treasurer on Australian Indigenous Communications Association
Board member Indigenous Screen Australia
Member of Indigenous Art Strategy Committee – Northern Territory
Committee member of National Indigenous Television Working Party
Web: http://www.caama.com.au/
Email: caamaceo@caama.com.au
Carolyn Deere
Dr Jacqueline Peel
BSc/LLB (Hons) UQ, LLM (NYU), PhD (University of Melbourne)
Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne.
Awarded a Hauser scholarship from New York University to carry out research on the impact of international trade law on environmental law (2003-2004).
Author of book on an environmental principle known as the precautionary principle published by Federation Press (2005).
Another book on Environmental Law: Scientific, Policy and Regulatory Dimensions (co-authored with L Godden) is to be published in 2009 by Oxford University Press.
Recently, Jacqueline has expanded her research to focus on the emerging field of climate change law.
Web: Jaqueline Peel
Email: j.peel@unimelb.edu.au
Katherine Richardson
Trade Law
Dr Sally Sheldon
LLB (QUT), BA (Hons) (UQ), MA, PhD (Essex)
Indigenous Cultural Heritage & Native Title Adviser, Dugalunji Aboriginal Corporation, north-west Queensland
Projects Manager, Myuma Pty Ltd (overseeing Indigenous training/employment schemes and commercial project delivery for an Indigenous-owned company group), north-west Queensland
Consultant – Working in Partnerships Program, Department of Industry Tourism & Resources
Casual lecturer in Law, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane
Ongoing research and policy work in Aboriginal land management and capacity-development issues
Email: myuma@bigpond.com
Lauren Basson
Fiona Coad
(see 1996-97)
Jeannie Henderson
BA (Hons), University of Queensland
Director, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma Section
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Web: dfat.gov.au
Dr Nadine Johnston
BSc (University of Tasmania, Aus), BSc (M.F.A.B, Hons) (University of Tasmania, Aus), PhD (University of Cambridge, UK)
Dr Nicola McLelland
BA, MPhil, PhD.
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of German, University of Nottingham, England
Senior Lecturer in German at the University of Nottingham, UK, with husband also lecturing full-time in the Biology department, and two children now at school.
Web: nottingham.ac.uk/German/Staff/nicola.mclelland
Dr Sara Schneider
PhD (University of Queensland, Physics)
Risk Manager, Aare-Tessin Ltd. for Electricity (Atel) AG, Olten, Switzerland
Web: atel.ch
Email: sara.Schneider@atel.ch
Tarita Botsman
Fiona Coad
Rachel Doherty
BA Des. Studies (Qld), BA Architecture (Hons 1A) (Qld), MA Architecture (Princeton University, USA)
Practices architecture with Gluckman Mayner Architects after working for David Chipperfield and Rem Koolhaas/OMA in their New York offices. Built work includes multiple international residential projects, The Bryant Park Hotel (formally The American Radiator Building), interior renovations of Lever House and the recently opened Seattle Public Library. Rachel has also practiced and taught architecture in Japan, France and Australia.
Web: Gluckmanmayner.com or
Christina Harris
Merideth Humphries
Behavioural Ecology
Dr Kala Mulqueeny
LLB (Hons 1 and University Medal) (Qld), BCommerce (Qld); Dip. Legal Practice (University of Technology, Sydney); Doctorate of Juridical Science (Harvard Law School), Yale World Fellow
Kala is currently a 2010 Yale World Fellow, on leave from her position as Senior Counsel in the Office of General Counsel at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). At ADB, Kala’s work focuses on energy, environment and water regulation, including clean technologies, environmental and social legal issues in ADB finance projects, advising on ADB’s accountability mechanism and working on legal empowerment and access to justice. Kala was until recently was a professorial lecturer at the University of the Philippines. Kala has a doctorate from Harvard Law School, where she received the Laylin Prize in International Law for Master’s thesis and again for her SJD dissertation. She also served as the Environmental Law Fellow and a Fellow of the Program in Justice, Welfare and Economics at Harvard.
Email: mulqueenyk@hotmail.com
Johanna Pitman
Asian Studies
Dr Emma Shepherdson
Ph.D. (Structual Engineering) (MIT), M.Sc. (MIT), B.E.(Civil, Hons) (UQ)
Working part-time as a Senior Lecturer at the California College of Arts, San Francisco while taking some time out.
Previously, a structural engineer with Arup in New York.
Email: efshep@alum.mit.edu
Lindie Clark
Lecturer in Health Studies, Division of Environmental & Life Sciences, Macquarie University
Email: lclark@els.mq.edu.au
Penelope Dean
Madeleine Garlick
Dr Vicky Henderson
BMathFin Hons with University Medal (UTS, 1994), PhD (Mathematics, University of Bath, UK, 1999)
Senior Research Fellow at Univeristy of Oxford, Oxford-Man Institute for Quantitative Finance, and Mathematical Institute. Past positions at ETH Zurich, Princeton University and University of Warwick.
Web: oxford-man.ox.ac.uk/people/members_henderson.html
Email: vicky.henderson@oxford-man.ox.ac.uk
Sylvia Hosking
Masters and B.Music (Juilliard School, New York), Dip. Performance (Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Holland), Dip. Arts in Music (Victorian College of the Arts)
Assistant Principal Double Bass of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra since 1998, and Private music teacher
Sally McCann
Dr Patricia Pender
PhD (Stanford University, 2004), BA HONS with Medal (University of Sydney, 1994)
Assistant Professor of English, Pace University, New York City.
Email: ppender@pace.edu
Professor Eleanor Bourke
Aboriginal History
Kate Morgan
Dr Nancye May Peel
PhD (UQ 2006), Master of Public Health, University of Queensland (1997), Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons), University of Queensland (1967)
Nancye is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Research in Geriatric Medicine, The University of Queensland where the focus of her research is health service delivery in aged care. She was Secretary of AFUW-Q for 5 years.
Web: uq.edu.au/uqresearchers/researcher/peelnm.html
Dr Carolyn Whitzman
PhD (McMaster University, Canada), 2003
Senior Lecturer in Urban Planning, University of Melbourne.
Member of the Planning Institute of Australia (and on the board of the Victorian chapter, Chairing the Planning for Health and Well-Being Chapter).
Carloyn has an international reputation for her work on gendered community safety initiatives, and she was recently was a keynote speaker at the Second International Conference on Safer Communities for Women in Bogota, Colombia.
Web: abp.unimelb.edu.au/people/staff/whitzmanc.html
Email: whitzman@unimelb.edu.au
Dale Wilson
Meredith Bhathal
Joanne Burke
Medical Research
Assistant Professor Dr (Ms.) Wassana Im-em
Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Thailand
Assistant Professor working in the area of population and reproductive health (teaching graduate students and conducting research).
Web: agingaidsnet.psc.isr.umich.edu/people/profile.html?id=1233
Email: prwie@mahidol.ac.th
Maria Lis Lange
Lisa Mayfield
Dr Amanda Michels
Dr Miranda Mortlock
BSc (Hons) Agriculture (Reading University, UK; including exchange year at Cornell University), MSc. applied Plant sciences (Univ of London), PhD Agronomy and a minor in statistics (Kansas State University, Kansas,USA), Grad Certificate in Education (Tertiary Education) (University of Queensland), CStat (Certified Statistician) from the Royal Statistics Society
Dr Wendy Sarkissian
BSc (Education, Southern Connecticut State University), MA (English literature, Connecticut College), Master of Town Planning (Adelaide), PhD (Murdoch)
Director, Sarkissian Associates Planners Pty Ltd
Fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia
Wendy is a social planning consultant and has pioneered innovative community engagement, planning and development approaches in a wide range of contexts. She is Director of Sarkissian Associates Planners, located in Nimbin, NSW.
Web: sarkissian.com.au
Email: wendy@sarkissian.com.au
Janine Toole
Computer Linguistics
Joanne Willey
Natalie Bloch
Veterinary Science
Dr Sophie Dove
MA(Hons) in Maths and Philosophy, Univ. Edinburgh UK 1987; MA in Philosophy, University of Southern California USA 1991; Ph. D in Biological Sciences, Univ Sydney 1998
Senior Lecturer Centre for Marine Studies, University of Queensland. Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies.
Web: cms.uq.edu.au and coralcoe.org.au
Email: sophie@uq.edu.au
Professor Isabel Karpin
BA/LLB (Sydney), LLM (Harvard), JSD (Columbia)
Professor of Law, University of Technology Sydney
Isabel taught in the Faculty of Law at the University of Sydney from 1994 to 2008. Prior to joining the University of Sydney faculty she worked for a period for the law firm Blake Dawson Waldron Solicitors (as it then was), and then took up a position as legal officer at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. In 1991 she completed the Masters of Law program at Harvard University and then moved to New York to undertake a JSD at Columbia University. Her doctoral work entitled ‘Embodying Justice: Legal Responses to the Transgressive Body’, examined the regulation of marginalised bodies, with a particular focus on the pregnant body. She specialises in feminist legal theory, health law, genetics and the law, disability and law and culture. Her current scholarship is in the area of law that can broadly be described as regulating bodies. This includes laws governing reproductive technologies, biotechnology as well as the legal responses to developments in genetic technologies and the challenges these pose to legal understandings of normality, disability, individuality, and family. She is currently involved in several major research projects in the areas of reproductive technology, disability and emergent genetic technologies.
Web: UTS_Law_Website
Email: Isabel.Karpin@uts.edu.au
Professor Bronwen Morgan
BA (Hons), Univ of Sydney 1990, LLB (Hons), Univ of Sydney 1992, PhD (University of California at Berkeley, 2000) in Jurisprudence and Social Policy
Professor of Sociolegal Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, University of Bristol, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol BS8 1RJ, UK
Web: http://seis.bris.ac.uk/~lwbmm/
Email: B.Morgan@bristol.ac.uk
Dr Amanda Nimon Peters
PhD in Behavioural Science (University of Cambridge), M.Phil in Polar Studies (University of Cambridge), BA (Hons) (University of Adelaide)
Senior Manager in Shopper Research, Arabian Peninsula Region, for Procter and Gamble (based in Dubai).
Previous positions: various consumer research positions for Procter & Gamble, based in Belgium, Holland and the UK.
Additional activities: Member of the Board of Directors, Carr-Gomm (UK national supported housing charity) 2002-2004; Team Leader, Habitat for Humanity charity housing project in Dej, Romania (2000)
Email: amanda@petersindubai.com
Florence Omodara
Agricultural Science
Katherine Sainsbury
Criminal Law
Dr Clare Boothroyd
MBBS (Hons) (Qld), M Med Sci (QIMR/Birmingham), FRACP, FRANZCOG, CREI
Specialist in Reproductive Endocrinology, Gynaecology and Infertility.
Chair of Gynaecology, Visiting Medical Officer, Member of the Medical Advisory Committee, Greenslopes Private Hospital in Brisbane; Member of the Medical Advisory Committee of Monash IVF (National); Queensland Counsellor for the Queensland Australian Menopause Society and Chair of the Education Sub-Committee, Member of the Scientific Program Organising Committee, Research Grants Committee and Education Sub-committee; Member of the Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Queensland.
Mother of 3 children.
Web: ivfmed.com.au
Dr Debra Enzenbacher
Associate Professor
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Department of Geography
Jalan Tungku Link
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam BE1410
Email: debra.enzenbacher@ubd.edu.bn
Patricia Jalal
Dr Gaye Lansdell
LL.B (Hons.) (Tas); M.Phil (Cambridge University); PhD (Tas)
Associate Professor, Monash University, Course Director, Postgraduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Web: law.monash.edu.au/staff/glansdel.html
Email: Gaye.lansdell@law.monash.edu.au
Mei Dong Zhu
Dr Teresa Barnes
Senior Researcher, Center for the Study of Higher Education; and Senior Lecturer, History Department, University of the Western Cape.
Author ofWe Women Worked So Hard: Labour, Gender and Social Reproduction in colonial Harare, Zimbabwe, 1930-56 (Heinemann Social History of Africa series, 1999)
Web: cshe.uwc.ac.za/
Email: tbarnes@uwc.ac.za
Jane Booth
Professor Wendy Brady
Aboriginal Education
Dr Lisbeth Grondahl
MSc, PhD
Senior Lecturer, University of Queensland
Web: smms.uq.edu.au/
Email: l.grondahl@uq.edu.au
Dr Samantha Hollingworth
BSc(Hons) (Qld), PhD (Monash,) MPH (Qld)
Senior Research Fellow, School of Population Health, University of Queensland
Web: sph.uq.edu.au/staff-95
Email: s.hollingworth@uq.edu.au
Dr Deema Kaneff**
BA(Hons Adelaide), PhD (Anthropology, Adelaide)
Senior research fellow at Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany
Web: eth.mpg.de
Dr Sharon Korman
MPhil, DPhil (Oxon) (International Relations: winner of the 1992 British International Studies Association Prize for the best doctoral thesis on international relations in the United Kingdom); BA ((Hons) (Melb) in Philosophy
Author of The Right of Conquest: The Acquisition of Territory by Force in International Law and Practice (Oxford University Press, 1996).
Currently reading for the Master of Laws (Legal Practice) at Monash University (winner of Sir John Monash Award for Excellence in 2003).
Formerly Rhodes Scholar at Balliol College, Oxford; Senior Associate Member, St Antony’s College, Oxford; Stockbroker, Societe Generale Strauss Turnbull Securities, London.
Email: sharonkorman@hotmail.com
Jan McDonald
Environmental Law
Dr Sandra McDougall
PhD Entomology (Integrated Pest Management)
Technical Specialist (Vegetables), NSW Dept. Primary Industries: leader of a combined Entomological research and vegetable group research team at Yanco
Working part-time, while caring for a young family
Web: dpi.nsw.gov.au/
Email: sandra.mcdougall@dpi.nsw.gov.au
Myhuong Nguyen