
Dr Bronte Adams
BA Hons (UWA), PhD (English Language and Literature, Oxford)
Principal, DandoloPartners Pty Ltd, Melbourne
Web: dandolo.com.au
Email: bronteadams@dandolo.com.au

Karen Dawson
Geneticist (Also 1988-89)

Associate Professor Maryanne Dever
BA Hons (Qld), MA Hons (Syd), PhD (Syd)
Director, Centre for Women’s Studies & Gender Research, Monash University

Dr Jacqueline A Flint
BA (ANU), MBA (Macq), PhD (UQ)
Senior Lecturer in Marketing, Central Coast School of Business, The University of Newcastle

Penelope Gibson
Landscape Architecture

Dr Susan Jackson
PhD MSc BEd (Hons 1)
Senior Research Fellow in Sport and Exercise Psychology, School of Human Movement Studies, University of Queensland
Web: hms.uq.edu.au/susan-jackson
Email: sjackson@hms.uq.edu.au

Stephanie Legg England

Xianlin Song
(See 1988-89)

Dr Jill StJohn
WA Marine Co-ordinator, The Wilderness Society
Web: wilderness.org.au
Email: jill.stjohn@wilderness.org.au

Dr Tracey Winning
BDSc(Hons) GradDipHEd PhD
Senior Lecturer, Dental School, The University of Adelaide
Email: tracey.winning@adelaide.edu.au

Joanne Wood


Karen Dawson

Wendy Pentland
Occupational Therapy

Professor Parlo Singh
PhD, Bachelor of Educational Studies (First Class Honours) – University of Queensland
Dean, Griffith Graduate Research School, Griffith University, Qld, Australia
Web: griffith.edu.au/ggrs
Email: parlo.singh@griffith.edu.au

Dr Xianlin Song
Lecturer at Centre for Asian Studies, University of Adelaide
Web: arts.adelaide.edu.au/socialsciences/people/asian/xsong.html
Email: xianlin.song@adelaide.edu.au

Dr Sabine Voss PHD Law (WWW Muenster, Germany) LLM (Sydney, AUS)



Lauren Blumenfeld
Atomic Physics

Cathy Garrett
Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA, Cornell University, 1989), Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLAarch, UNSW, 1984), University Medal Landscape Architect
Principal of PGAdesign, landscape architects (a firm of 14 people with three principals), located in Oakland, California
Web: PGAdesign.com/

Dr Vineeta Hoon
PhD, Human Geography, University of Madras, India
Founder and Trustee, Centre for Action Research on Environment Science and Society.
Vineeta’s work focuses on Women’s empowerment through Micro-credit, Environment Education with a focus on Conservation of coral reefs and mountain ecosystems, and developing sustainable livelihood solutions for nomadic communities in the Himalayas.
Email: vineetahoon@gmail.com

Associate Professor Lin Schwarzkopf
School of Marine & Tropical Biology at James Cook University
Research into factors influencing and creating biodiversity of reptiles and amphibians in tropical North Queensland.
Web: jcu.edu.au/school/tropbiol/staff/schwarzkopf/
Email: Lin.Schwarzkopf@jcu.edu.au


Professor Fiona Macmillan
BA LL B (UNSW), LL M (London), Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW
Professor of Law and Pro-Vice Master for Research, Birkbeck, University of London
Web: bbk.ac.uk/law/our-staff/ft-academic/macmillan
Email: f.macmillan@bbk.ac.uk

Dr Leslie J. Newman
BSc & MSc Marine Biology (Guelph, Canada); PhD Zoology (Qld)
Curator of Marine Biology, Auckland Museum, Auckland, NZ
See a report on Leslie’s work at National Geographic/Sea Studios TV
Email: lnewman@aucklandmuseum.com


Myriam Baes
Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dr Roslyn Brandon
Chief Executive Officer of Athlomics Pty Ltd
Business Development Director of Uptake Health Pty Ltd
Web: uptakehealth.com
Email: roz@uptakehealth.com

Judith McKenzie

Joanna Slater

Associate Professor Samina Yasmeen
PhD (Political Science, University of Tasmania), M.A(International Relations, ANU), M.Sc (International Relations, Quaid-e-Azam University, Pakistan), BSc (University of Punjab, Pakistan)
Associate Professor, Political Science and International Relations, and Co-Chair, International Studies, University of Western Australia, Perth.
Director of the Centre for Muslim States and Societies at the University of Western Australia
Web: politicalscience.arts.uwa.edu.au/about/staff/samina_yasmeen
Email: syasmeen@cyllene.uwa.edu.au


Dr Christina Thompson
BA, Dartmouth College, 1981; PhD, University of Melbourne, 1990
Editor,Harvard Review, Harvard University.
Christina is the author of Come on Shore and We Will Kill and Eat You All (Bloomsbury, 2008), and the recent recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Australia Council.
Web: harvardreview.org and comeonshore.com

Professor Sandra Wilson
BA (Hons) (UWA), Master of Japanese Studies (UWA), D.Phil. (Modern History) (Oxford)
Professor, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Murdoch University
Email: S.Wilson@murdoch.edu.au


Dr E.M. Date-Huxtable
B.Sc.(Hons) (Qld) 1982, Ph.D. (McGill) 1988
Research and Policy Officer at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Newcastle, Australia.
Email: Elizabeth.Huxtable@newcastle.edu.au

Sukanya Hantrakul
Freelance writer on women’s issues and early childhood education since 1990; currently interested in early childhood education, bilingual education and homeschool with some gender perspective; Mother of one child
Previously Associate Editor of Satree sarn Women’s Weekly
Email: yakansu2003@yahoo.co.uk

Indira Narayamaswamy

Dr Nihal Ozdemir


Margret J. Doring
FIEAust, CPEng, BE Civil (Melb.), A.R.M.I.T. (Build.), ICCROM (ARC83) (Rome)
Margret’s fellowship augmented a National Trust scholarship and helped to pay living expenses in Rome while attending a course in Architectural Conservation at ICCROM
Principal of a Heritage Conservation Consultancy: C & MJ Doring Pty Ltd, BELGRANO, Burder’s Lane, Whitlands, Victoria since 1990
Heritage and Conservation experience includes: rehabilitation and restoration of domestic buildings in Melbourne and Sydney; research and tutoring in architectural history at the University of New South Wales; engineer and architectural conservationist for Heritage Branch, NSW Department of Planning; Heritage Assessment; Conservation Policy Development; Environmental Impact Studies; Conservation, Restoration and structural intervention works; Local Government Heritage Studies. Margret and her partner, Carl, were awarded the Engineering Heritage Australia John Monash Medal for 2008. The medal was for “their outstanding contribution to engineering heritage and industrial archaeology in Australia, facilitating attitude changes and successful outcomes through their research, recording, management plans and conservation guidelines for many significant heritage sites”
Web: Belgrano’s company profile, Margret Doring’s CV and work summary (PDF format) and
A report on Margret’s course in Architectural Conservation and her experience studying in Italy (PDF format)
Email: doring.belgrano@bigpond.com or doringbelgrano@dragnet.com.au

Sirilaksana Kunjara

Dr Gail Reekie
PhD (History), MA (History), BA 1st class Honours (History and Social & Political Theory)
Assistant Director, International Science Branch, Department of Education, Science and Training (Australian Government)

Penelope Smith


Anne Caufriez